Introducing a traveling exhibit featuring series of 36 stunning color and early black-and-white photographs, created by world-renowned, Memphis-born photographer, William Eggleston. His work was credited with helping establish color photography in the late 20th century as a legitimate artistic medium. The University of Mississippi Museum acquired the photographs from Dr. William R. “Bill” Ferris, founding director of the Center for the Study of Southern Culture, scholar, author and longtime friend of Eggleston. “This exhibit allows everyone to know his work, which is part of the legacy of Ole Miss,” said Ferris.
The Beautiful Mysterious just returned to the University of Mississippi and is available for your gallery or institution. The exhibit adorned the walls of The Mennello Museum, Orlando, Florida, June 23rd through September 3rd. Guest curated by novelist Megan Abbott, the traveling exhibit’s inaugural made a splash in local media and is sure to do the same wherever it travels.
“William Eggleston’s peculiar eye for color and composition make him a national treasure.” —Orlando Weekly
To book The Beautiful Mysterious: The Extraordinary Gaze of William Eggleston at your museum or institution:
For questions and to book the exhibit, contact:
Melanie Antonelli
Antiquities Collections Manager | 662.915.7073
Thanks to the tireless efforts and sponsorship by Friends of the Museum.